The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a global, peer-to-peer network of more than 18,000+ influential business owners with 220 chapters in 75+ countries. It enables leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow, enhancing both their personal and professional lives. EO SA is dedicated to fostering meaningful relationships among members, providing support for collective success, and facilitating learning opportunities.


Non-profit organization


Social Media Strategy and Management 

Content Strategy and Development

Case Study: EO

Entrepreneurs’ Organization South Asia (EO SA) added a unique zest to our client roster! Two and a half years ago, we embarked on the mission of sculpting their social media persona in the South Asia region, infusing their global essence with a dash of local vibrancy. 

The brief had a dual focus: crafting a design language that reflects the esteemed international organization’s South Asia presence while aligning with the established brand identity. Additionally, our task was to effectively communicate the organization’s message to prospective members across the region.

What began with only social media management quickly expanded to include crafting their collateral content like engaging newsletters and brochures. Today, we proudly handle the social media of ten chapters as well, each with its unique flavour and nuances; empowering them to grow with our driven and diverse social media strategies. 

Social Media

Print Media